Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc. | (916) 934-2273 | info@legacydesignsstudio.com
We specialize in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital archiving, and cultural preservation to empower galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs).

17 Feb

Expanding Access to African & Diaspora Cultural Heritage: Upcoming VR Chapter in New Book!

Expanding Access to African & Diaspora Cultural Heritage: Upcoming VR Chapter in New Book! Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc. is excited to announce that our founder, Aisha Abdul Rahman, has contributed a chapter to the upcoming book, Trends and Innovations Concerning Library & Information Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach, published by IGI Global and set for […]


24 Jun

2021 Virtual Juneteenth Festival in Second Life


24 Jun

The First Black Lives Matter Virtual Art Event in Second Life