Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc. | (916) 934-2273 | info@legacydesignsstudio.com
We specialize in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital archiving, and cultural preservation to empower galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs).

Exploring Diversity and Innovation: Our Collaboration with the California State Railroad Museum

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new project that brings together the expertise of Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc., the California State Railroad Museum, and the Sojourner Truth Heritage Museum. This collaboration is set to transform the way we experience and interact with history through art, technology, and inclusivity.


Bridging Tradition and Technology

At the heart of this initiative is a dynamic mural being painted by talented artists from the Sojourner Truth Heritage Museum on the second floor of the California State Railroad Museum. This mural is not just a visual feast but a testament to the rich and diverse history of railroads and trains. Our role in this project is to enhance the mural with cutting-edge Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, aiming to elevate access and engagement for visitors of all ages.


A Rich Tapestry of History

The mural will vividly showcase the contributions of various communities to the railroad industry, including Black, Mexican, Indigenous, and Chinese workers, as well as Black porters and women. By incorporating these diverse stories, we ensure that the mural is not only a celebration of railroad history but also a reflection of the inclusive nature of our past.


Innovative Integration of VR and AR

Our team at Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc. is excited to integrate VR and AR elements into the mural, providing an interactive experience that goes beyond traditional exhibitions. Through your mobile device, you’ll be able to explore additional layers of information, including 3D reconstructions, historical narratives, and immersive stories that bring the mural to life. This innovative approach allows visitors to dive deeper into the history and experiences depicted in the artwork, making the learning process both engaging and memorable.


Consulting for an Inclusive Experience

In addition to the technological enhancements, we are also providing consultation services to ensure the mural’s narrative is comprehensive and inclusive. Our goal is to ensure that every visitor, regardless of their background or age, finds relevance and connection in the mural. We are working closely with the museum and artists to weave a story that honors the diverse contributions to railroad history while engaging a wide audience.


Looking Forward

This collaboration represents a significant step towards integrating arts, culture, and technology in a way that enriches our understanding of history. We are proud to be part of a project that celebrates diversity and leverages innovative technologies to create a more interactive and inclusive experience.

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to work on this exciting project. We look forward to inviting you to explore the mural and its enhanced features soon!

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