Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc. | (916) 934-2273 | info@legacydesignsstudio.com
We specialize in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital archiving, and cultural preservation to empower galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs).

Legacy Builders & Empowerment Joins Hands with Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum for a Virtual Revolution

At Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc., our commitment to bridging the gap between heritage and modern narratives continues to propel us forward. We’re thrilled to announce our latest partnership with the Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum, a monumental stride in our mission to empower institutions with innovative immersive technologies.


A Shared Vision for Preservation and Education

The Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum, renowned for its dedication to preserving and promoting African-American history, has embarked on an exciting new journey into the virtual realm. Recognizing the power of immersive experiences, they’ve teamed up with Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc. to bring their vision to life in the digital age.


A Space Where Heritage Comes Alive

Our collaboration entails the creation of a cutting-edge virtual space hosted on Spatial.io, an immersive platform designed for the future. Within this digital realm, the Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum will be able to host engaging events, exhibitions, and interactive experiences, connecting with a global audience like never before.


Empowering the Future of Heritage Preservation

This partnership exemplifies our joint commitment to heritage preservation, education, and accessibility. Together, we aim to empower the Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum with the tools and strategies needed to enrich patrons’ experiences while enhancing accessibility to cultural heritage for generations to come.


A Shared Journey Begins

As we embark on this virtual revolution alongside the Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum, we invite you to join us on this remarkable journey. Together, we’ll continue to empower institutions with immersive, inclusive, and inspiring VR experiences that connect communities, educate, and celebrate our heritage.

Stay tuned for updates and insights on this exciting partnership as we work hand in hand to shape a brighter, more accessible future for heritage preservation. Together, we’re making history come alive in ways we’ve never imagined.

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